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The UK National Lottery Logo

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  4. Logo Euromillions 2020

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AN Irish punter landed the EuroMillions Plus €500,000 prize – but there was no winner of the €39.1m jackpot. The winning Plus ticket was sold in the east. In the main draw, the numbers pulled. Play Euromillions online! Must be 18 or older to play. The National Lottery games on this website are promoted by Premier Lotteries Ireland Designated Activity Company under licence issued by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in accordance with the National Lottery Act 2013.

NOTE: Some idiot lottery spammers have used a link to this page in theirscam e-mails causing me to get SpamCop notifications - stop it, you morons!

The logo at the top of each page is currently a temporary one. Unfortunately,Camelot have refused to give permission for me to use their logo, so expectsomething better (not difficult !) shortly. For the moment, I'm changing thelogo colours each day automatically, to add a bit of 'variety'.

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Some further notes about these pages:

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  • Camelot Group plc have no responsibility or liability for theseunofficial UK National Lottery WWW pages, which are solelymaintained by Richard K. Lloyd. It does, however, containcertain information used with the kind permission of Camelot Group plc(excluding the logo :-) ). There is also a furthersite disclaimer for those legal folks (yes, thoseones employed by Camelot, as if you couldn't guess) who didn't clickon the logo to get this page.
  • I have spent a considerable time collating the data presented on thesepages and writing various programs to analyse it, so if you wish toredistribute the information for free, please e-mail me that you intend to do so andalso insert a reference (e.g. a link or whatever) to this set of pages:

    Please note that commercial sites using my data must contact mefirst before using my data or linking to my site. It may be that I either refuse permissionfor you to commercially use the data or don't want you linking to my site(it's more likely to be both to be honest if your site is not reputable).

    For example (and this happened inuk.media), wholesale posting of the complete set ofwinning numbers and variousnumerical analysis pages extractedfrom this area to a Usenet newsgroup without crediting the origin of theinformation was pretty poor netiquette, IMHO.

    Considering that ITV teletext want me to pay for a contract to bedrawn up that gives me permission to extract 8 numbers (the winning numbersand the jackpot prize pool) from their page 123, it was supremely ironic thaton the 5th and 6th January 1996, ITV teletext page 321 took information offmy pages ('Internet analysis' is how they put it) without crediting me by nameor URL [which is the only condition I impose for re-distribution of the info].I think the words 'jump', 'a', 'running' and 'take', suitably re-arranged,express how I feel about ITV teletext at the moment...

  • I have tried to be as 'lynx-friendly' as possible (it's a text-only WWWbrowser), although I would strongly recommend upgrading to lynx 2.8.X.All Web browsers should be able to get a decent rendition of these pages -if anyone has any problems with their Web browser when viewing thissite, please contact me and I'll try to sort it out.
  • Although I preview pages inFirefox,they should look OK in virtually all browsers.
  • All pages are regularly run through 'weblint', 'spell -b' (or 'ispell -l'with a British English dictionary) and a custom internal link checker I'vewritten. The C code is also often re-compiled with 'gcc -Wall' and run throughlint too.
  • More detailed information is available in aFrequently Asked Questions page.
© Richard K. Lloyd & Connect Internet Solutions Limited 2021

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