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Best Builds from the Best Data. Riot-partnered U.GG provides the best League of Legends builds, LoL runes, Probuilds, Tier List, C. Not all feasible interactions are listed in this medication guide. Our website, you may want to know what other of good repute sources have to say.

Ultimate League of Legends Guide List

Ultimate League of Legends Guide List

Let’s face it, if you want to become better at League of Legends then you need to read guides.

Not only do guides teach you about League of Legends in general, but they can also give you in-depth strategies and item builds for specific champions.

There are literally thousands of League of Legends guides out there with new ones being made every single day. With a variety of authors from Bronze tier to professional players, which League of Legends guides should you be paying attention too?

To help you take your game to the next level, we went on the hunt for the ultimate League of Legends guides. After trawling through hundreds of different websites we found the best resources any League of Legends player will ever need.

If you’re determined to reach Diamond tier by the end of the season, then these website will help you tremendously.

Best Lol Guide Website

Before You Begin

Before you jump into reading the guides, there are several things you should look out for. Not all guides are made the same, and some are considerably better than others. Instead of wasting your time reading every guide out there, it’s important to look at the good ones. Here’s what you need to look out for.

Who’s the Author

The first thing you should check before reading a guide is who is the author and why should you listen to them? Many websites will link the author’s name to their League of Legends account which is a very useful feature. This allows you to view their past performance, rank and general experience.

The first thing to check is what rank are they? Be honest, would you rather read a guide by someone in Bronze tier or someone in Diamond or higher? Most likely you’d read the Diamond tier guide. If someone has played a champion and managed to get to Diamond using that strategy, then the chances are you can do the same too!

Some websites even include guides written by professional players who compete regularly in eSports competitions. If you want an insight into how professional players think and play in game then these are definitely worth a read.

Last Updated

Another crucial thing to check before reading is the last time it was updated. Most guides are only relevant for the certain patch or date they are uploaded. If you’re reading a guide that is 2 patches old then the chances are it is most likely out of date and not viable.

The most efficient tactic available (META) changes every patch and if you’re not up to date with the changes or new additions then you’re less likely to win. Most guides on websites can easily be arranged by their patch number or when they were last updated.

Before reading a guide always check when it was last updated and if it is still relevant to the patch you’re on.


Almost every League of Legends guide website has some sort of comment or voting feature. This allows readers to comment and vote on guides if they have any questions or problems related to it. This type of feedback system is great for choosing which guide to read.

If lots of people like a guide then they will naturally upvote it, on the other hand, if it’s not viable or well written then it will be voted down. The comment section is also a great way for readers to ask the author comments about the guide. If something doesn’t make sense or needs improving, then it’s the best way to contact them.

Before you commit to reading a huge 5000-word guide, it’s always best to check the comments and vote score to see if it’s really worth your time.

Now you know what to check before reading a guide here’s a list of the best websites to find League of Legends guides.

Champion Specific Guides

    • One of the most popular League of Legends guide websites, LoLKing has plenty of fresh guides which are updated daily.
    • Full of plenty of detailed guides including item builds, skill order and masteries, MOBAFire is one of the top websites to find high-quality League of Legends guides.
    • A popular eSports team from North America, Cloud9 has published several guides on their website that have been written by professional gamers.
    • A website dedicated to theory discussion and tactics, LeagueCraft has plenty of unique champion guides for you to enjoy.
    • Unlike other guide websites, LoLClass has plenty of champion video guides from a range of different players including some professional.
    • One of the most popular teams from the NA region, SoloMid has plenty of unique champion guides that can only be found on their website.
    • If you’re looking for a viable item build for your favourite champion then ProBuilds is the place to go. With thousands of new data compiled every day, ProBuilds has plenty of individual item builds.
    • If you’re looking for high-quality guides, then ProGuides is a great Although their guides are not free, they offer lots of in-depth strategies and item builds for every champion.
    • Similar to ProGuides, Skill-Capped brings detailed video analysis to every player to help them improve their game.

General League of Legends Guides

    • One of the best go to places for MOBA guides, MOBAFire has plenty of general guides to improve things such as your last clicking and map awareness.
    • Featuring highly detailed video analysis for individual champions and general gameplay, Skill-Capped is created by Challenger players to help improve your game.
    • If you’re looking for in-depth discussion on general strategies and tactics, then LeagueCraft is definitely the best place.
    • If you need help deciding which champion is the best for a particular role or lane then NerfPlz will have everything you need.
    • ElitePVPers is a community that allows players to discuss tactics and strategies for several MOBA games including League of Legends.
    • LearnTheLeague is a eBook full of useful tips and tricks to improve your skill in game. If you want to improve your gameplay then this eBook covers everything.

League of Legends attracts players from all over the world. Before you become a member of this international family, the first decision to make is to select a champion to play with. It sounds a bit confusing for a beginner, as there is a wide range of champions to choose from.

Our best League of Legends champions guide will help you to get the lay of the land in LOL heroes. You will learn which champions perform best in different roles. And about the roles themselves! This will let you choose the most performing champion from the very beginning and stay focused on improving your skills. Moreover, you will be able to utilize its full potential due to the appropriate choice of runes, items, and Summoner Spells.

Table of contents

What Are the League of Legends Champions?

A LOL champion is a character that you are controlling in the game. All of them can be categorized according to their role and position in the field. To perform an effective team play, each hero must fulfill its function properly. Special items, runes, and spells are used to maximize power. They may play a key role in overpowering an enemy.

A wide variety of characters’ alternatives allows you to select those who match your style of play most of all. Unfortunately, you don’t have access to all of the alternatives at the beginning of your path. They must be unlocked with in-game currency – BE. Therefore, it’s better to study them in advance so that your resources aren’t wasted. Keep in mind that mastering the controls may be rather challenging for some champions. If you are new, go for easy options even if they lack some power.

What Are the Roles in League of Legends?

There are five different roles at the moment in the game. Let’s have a closer look at the roles:

  • Top lane. It may be described as an island separated from the rest of the map. You will spend a lot of time fighting one versus one. Sometimes you will get some help from an ally jungler, sometimes the enemy will. A lot of tankier champions are played in this role. However, that is not a rule, as various heroes find play in the Top lane.
  • Marksman. His primary role is to accumulate power and become a source of considerable physical damage late in the game. They often use special items that let them deal extra damage, neglecting the health point. Therefore, it requires a teammates’ support to survive long enough to strengthen up.
  • Mid laner. Generally, an assassin or mage is picked for the role. All mid laners quickly eliminate piles of minions and, usually, get significant benefits from a quick level-up. Foe's junglers are frequent guests on the lane; therefore, it's essential to have good control over your champion and monitor the overall situation on the map to predict the upcoming ambush attack.
  • Support. They usually play around the ADC, providing heals and shields, using crowd control abilities like stuns or knock-ups to the enemies or just soaking up the damage. Another mission is providing a vision of the map for the team.
  • Jungler. Most junglers are extremely mobile, deal plenty of damage, and have good gap closers. Their mission is to aid teammates in gaining an advantage during an early game and keep the enemies occupied while their carries are accumulating power.

The Best Top Laners

It’s better to choose a champion with extra defense and good farming abilities. Focus on the fights to protect your mates. Here are the three best options:

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A tank that has been recently released has a lot to offer. For example, he can pull the enemies to his front and back [E] like a magnet, slowing them down a bit, and damaging them. The Haymaker [W] spell grants Sett true damage and a shield while Knuckle Down [Q] grants percentage damage and a speed burst.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash – for short-distance teleportation – and Teleport – to quickly rotate to a different lane or return to a top lane after death.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision as a primary rune with Conqueror as a keystone and Resolve as a secondary.
  • Recommended Item Build: Black Cleaver - Titanic Hydra – Trinity Force.


His damaging abilities are impressive. Darius can make foes bleed from physical damage for five seconds, stacking up to five times. It means that maximum physical damage can reach 65-150 depending on the level. Darius can gain bonus attack damage with Noxian Guillotine [R] or pull in all the foes that are in front of him and slow them down by 40% [E].

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Ghost are a good combination. The latter highly increases the mobility.
  • Recommended Runes: Primary rune is Precision with a Conqueror keystone. Sorcery is additional. If you want increased crowd control and durability instead of empowered abilities and resource manipulation, choose Resolve as a second rune.
  • Recommended Item Build: Trinity Force – Titanic Hydra – Sterak’s Gage.


Garen’s two main abilities - passive healing, together with burst damage – provide him with great survivability. He has a good AoE for a top-laner. Try his Judgment [E] that will deal damage to all of the enemies within range. He is a good finisher: press [R] to deal the final blow to a foe, whose health is low.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite shows the best potential. The latter is aimed at killing the enemies, by dealing true damage and reducing target healing.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision featuring Conqueror is a primary choice for Garen. Resolve, being secondary, improves the survivability when he is in a lane or team fights.
  • Recommended Item Build: Trinity Force – Statikk Shiv – Dead Man’s Plate.

The Best Junglers

Roaming the jungle lane and focusing on killing camps can be challenging to master. Go for these champions to improve your understanding of the game.

Master YI

His high mobility and damage give an advantage over enemies. His low health can be compensated by the Meditate feature [W]: it heals Master YI and reduces damage. You can improve an offensive ability by deploying Wuju Style [E] – extra attack damage – Highlander [R] – extra attack speed and increased movement speed.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: I Smite is a must for every jungler. The second one is usually Flash as it’s the most popular Summoner Spell regarding this role.
  • Recommended Runes: It’s advisable to choose Precision with a Conqueror as a keystone rune to improve the attack speed and damage. Domination improves burst damage and target access.
  • Recommended Item Build: Enchantment: Bloodrazor – Guinsoos’s Rageblade – Wit’s End.


Although not everyone considers Ekko as an easy pick, it will impressively perform when being mastered. The Chronobreak [R], for example, makes him untargetable for some time, by throwing him back where he was four seconds ago, healing, and harming the enemies that are around the point of arrival. He can teleport himself to the target and deal additional damage [E] or slow down opponents with Parallel Convergence [W].

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: The same as for the Master YI, Flash and Smite are the best spells.
  • Recommended Runes: The primary rune (Domination, a keystone - Dark harvest) is adding to the damage capabilities. Inspiration is used as the second one.
  • Recommended Item Build: Enchantment: Runic Echoes – Hextech Protobeit 01 – Mejai’s Soulstealer.
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Jarvan IV

Jarvan IV's is a bruiser, equipped with good survivability and mobility. His passive ability deals percentage damage to the target on the first attack, accelerating the clear jungle speed. He can easily initiate fights by placing Demacian Standard [E] on the ground away from him or using Dragon Strike [Q] skill. The latter pulls Jarvan IV to the Standard position and knocks up all the enemies on the way. His ultimate ability, Cataclysm [R], gives an additional gap close and crowd control, making the ganks truly terrifying.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Smite for improved mobility and jungle farm.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision with a Conqueror keystone and Domination as a secondary branch.
  • Recommended Item Build: Enchantment: Warrior - Black Cleaver - Guardian Angel.

The Best Mid Laners

Mid laners are able to easily switch between top and bottom lanes to support the allies in a battle. Here are three best APC:


She is a strong middle character that is a severe threat to an enemy team. For instance, every third strike deals extra magic damage. Dian is able to attack foes with a moonlight [Q] or create projectiles that explode as soon as they touch an enemy [W].

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Basically, Ignite and Flash is a good spell combination for any mid laner.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision (keystone – Conqueror) + Domination is a common choice. Exchanging the Domination with Resolve may also be beneficial.
  • Recommended Item Build: Rod of Ages – Nashor’s Tooth – Zhonya’s Hourglass.


Fizz is very mobile and deals tons of magical damage at every stage of the game. He has two gap close abilities and can use Trickster [E] to become untargetable to avoid incoming damage.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite combination has an overall higher win rate, compared to Flash and Teleport.
  • Recommended Runes: It’s advisable to select Domination as a primary rune with the Electrocute keystone. The second rune can be either Precision or Inspiration.
  • Recommended Item Build: Hextech Protobeit 01 – Lich Bane – Mejai’s Soulstealer.


Ahri's image is popular way beyond the LoL community due to a tremendous amount of fan arts and official posters. This playful fox is one of the deadliest mid lane champions. She is very mobile, effective in cleaning waves of minions, and has a hard control ability. Use the Orb of Deception [Q] to farm and harass your opponent and Charm [E] when you are ready to engage. But beware of enemy minions, standing between you and your foe. They can be targeted by Charm too, which will waste your precious crowd control.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Ignite.
  • Recommended Runes: Inspiration with a Glacial Augment keystone + Domination - getting an ability to slow enemy with auto-attack will significantly increase your chances of getting a kill.
  • Recommended Item Build: Hextech GLP-800 - Twin Shadows - Morellonomicon.

The Best ADC

Here are the three best Marksmen for a League of Legends beginner.

Miss Fortune

She is a good champion pick for a beginner. She has simple mechanics and easy-to use spells. The hero can deal bonus damage every time she basic attacks a new target, which makes last-hitting in the lane significantly easier.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Heal are effective spells combination that restores health and improves mobility.
  • Recommended Runes: Go for a Precision with the Press the Attack keystone as a primary rune. This results in bonus adaptive damage. The second rune can be both Sorcery and Inspiration.
  • Recommended Item Build: Essence Reaver – Infinity Edge – Guardian Angel.


Ashe has appeared on the list because of her long auto attack range and frost arrows that slow down enemies. The Enchanted Crystal Arrow [R] is great for starting a fight, and providing a long-range stun.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: The best option is Flash and Heal. However, try Ghost or barrier as well.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision (Lethal Tempo as a keystone) + Inspiration. The latter facilitates picking up free bots.
  • Recommended Item Build: Blade of the Ruined King – Runaan’s Hurricane – Guardian Angel.


Caitlyn has a long-range attack; therefore, she is able to defeat opponents from behind the teammates successfully. Her Headshot passive is a great source of extra damage. Yordle Snap Trap [W] and 90 Calliber Net [E] abilities allow you to always stay far from engaging enemies.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash in combination with either Heal or Cleanse are really effective. The latter choice depends on the need for healing or disables removal.
  • Recommended Runes: Precision with a primary keystone as Fleet Footwork guarantees energized attacks. Use sorcery as a second rune for a successful combination.
  • Recommended Item Build: Infinity Edge – Rapid Firecannon – Stormrazor.

The Best Support

The main function of support characters is to ensure that other allies can successfully kill enemies and farm. Take a look at the best three options:


She is a tank with a crowd control function. Most of Leona’s abilities featuring stunning. Apart from that, Eclipse [W] is able to reduce the incoming damage for three seconds. Zenith Blade [E] provides quick and reliable gap close.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Combine Flash with either Ignite or Exhaust depending on the desired effect.
  • Recommended Runes: The most widespread runes combination is Resolve with the Aftershock keystone as primary, and Inspiration as secondary.
  • Recommended Item Build: Zeke’s Convergence – Locket of the iron Solari – Knight’s Vow.


Janna provides protection and healing for teammates. For instance, the Eye of the Storm [E] grants a shield to a teammate or turret. She is able to throw the enemies in a line up in the air, with the Howling Gale [Q] – this is very helpful to stop engaging enemies.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Flash and Exhaust is a good spell combination. Exhaust, for example, reduces foes’ movement speed and damage by 40%.
  • Recommended Runes: It’s best to use Sorcery as a primary rune with an Arcane Comet keystone. It provides adaptive damage and cooldown reduction. The second rune can be either Domination or Inspiration.
  • Recommended Item Build: Athene’s Unholy Grail – Redemption – Ardent Censer.


Thresh is a strong champion as he can harvest the souls of the nearby dead opponents to gain permanent Ability Power and Armor. He is able to drag an ally out of any place on the field [W], additionally providing them with a shield. He is also a great initiator, thanks to his Death Sentence[Q] ability.

  • Recommended Summoner Spells: Go for a common combination for Support: Flash and Ignite/Exhaust.
  • Recommended Runes: Resolve (keystone – Aftershock) + Inspiration. The primary one immobilizes an enemy, increases your magic resistance and deals damage while exploding.
  • Recommended Item Build: Zeke’s Convergence - Knight’s Vow – Redemption.


How manychampions are in the League of Legends?

Reddit Best Lol Guide Site

Currently, there are 148 League of Legends champions.

What are League of Legends starter champions?

Any champion with simple mechanics is good for starters: Ahri, Warwick, Master Yi, Garen, Olaf, Miss Fortune and many more.

What are League of Legends Classes?

Classes represent champions with the same game role and ability effects. They are as follows: bruisers, mage, marksman, healer, initiator, tank and assassin.

What are the worst League of Legends Champions?

Akali, Sylas, Kai’Sa, and Rumble have a hard time securing a victory in the latest patches. However, they can always get a huge buff or rework and shine once again.

Go Outside the Box and Use GOSU AI Assistant

Getting a detailed match analysis is the first step towards improving your skills. GOSU AI Assistant can provide a pre and post-match analysis of your performance and suggest personal recommendations. If you struggle with following them during the game, sign up for a voice assistant. It will guide you on the field.

To start an AI journey, merely connect your Steam account on the GOSU official website for free. You will be able to improve such gameplay aspects with the help of intelligent assistant:

  • Strategy – Sometimes you can get lost in the game and have no clue what to do next. The assistant will suggest the best move according to the situation on the field.
  • Runes and Summoner Spells selection. They are very important. The adequate choice can considerably enhance the hero's strengths. AI Assistant helps to make the right pick that can quite deftly give you an advantage over foes.
  • Define the skill to train. Skills can provide considerable dominance. A beginner may get a bit confused, as each champion has several. GOSU Assistant will help you to navigate the sphere and choose those that are better to train first.

Best Lol Guide Site 2020

For any additional information, visit the official GOSU website.

Best Lol Guide Websites